OMIG compliance reviews are happening now – this includes independent pharmacies!
PAAS National® has started to see New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) conducting reviews on pharmacies to evaluate if they have a compliance program that meets the new requirements of Social Services Law 363-d and 18 NYCRR Part 521.
As of March 28, 2023 there are NEW requirements. If your current program has not been updated to reflect these changes, you are not compliant.
Avoid potential sanctions (including termination of your provider status) by joining the PAAS FWA/HIPAA Compliance Program.
PAAS has worked extensively to make sure our program meets NY Medicaid requirements! A typical pharmacy can have a fully customized compliance program up and running with only a few hours’ setup and general upkeep. PAAS also provides exceptional customer service, with pharmacists and technicians to help answer your questions about compliance related issues and guide you through a NY OMIG compliance review.
It’s NOT TOO LATE to get compliant! Ensure you have all your compliance bases met and attest with confidence.
Current members
If you receive a notification letter, please reach out to us to get customized guidance from an expert analyst, or (608) 873-1342 and we will guide you through a NY OMIG compliance review.