Audit Alert: Topical Nail Treatments

What do Jublia® (efinaconazole), ciclopirox (formerly Penlac®), and tavaborole (formerly Kerydin®) all have in common? Besides each being a topical solution for the treatment of onychomycosis (Jublia® and Kerydin® for toenails and Penlac® for fingernails and toenails), they also all require knowing the number of applications per bottle for calculating an accurate days’ supply. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not provide this information in the package insert, making these days’ supply calculations more difficult to ascertain. 

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Manufacturer guidelines for Jublia® indicate a patient should use one drop per toenail with the big toe requiring a second drop. A representative from the manufacturer responded to an inquiry from PAAS National® stating there are approximately 200 applications per 4 mL bottle. Confirm with the prescriber’s office how many nails are being treated (including if any big toes are affected), document with a clinical note, and update the patient’s label to include the clarification. If there is no indication of a big toe being treated, it will be assumed that it is not. Penlac® is similar to Jublia®; however, the manufacturer does not indicate how many applications are in each bottle. PAAS recommends using the same calculations as you would for Jublia®.

Jublia® example:

  • “Apply to 4 affected toenails including both big toes once daily”
  • 2 small toes + 2 big toes = (1 application x 2 small toes) + (2 applications x 2 big toes) = 6 applications/day
  • 4 mL = 200 applications ÷ 6 applications/day = 33 days’ supply
  • 8 mL = 400 applications ÷ 6 applications/day = 66 days’ supply

Penlac® example:

  • “Apply to 4 affected toenails including both big toes once daily”
  • 6.6 mL = approximately 330 applications ÷ 6 applications/day = 55 days’ supply

Kerydin® comes packaged in a 4 mL or 10 mL bottle. A representative from the manufacturer responded to an inquiry from PAAS stating each mL of the product contains 60 drops, therefore the 4 mL bottle has 240 drops and the 10 mL bottle has 600 drops. The representative went on to state patients should use 1-2 drops per treatment of the toe, with big toes requiring 3-4 drops per treatment. Kerydin® has the same clinical note documentation requirements as Jublia® and Penlac® regarding which toes are affected, and the clarification being added to the patient’s label.

Kerydin® example:

  • “Apply to 4 affected toenails including both big toes once daily”
  • 2 small toes + 2 big toes = (2 drops x 2 small toes) + (4 drops x 2 big toes) = max 12 drops/day
  • 4 mL = 240 drops ÷ 12 drops/day = 20 days’ supply
  • 10 mL = 600 drops ÷ 12 drops/day = 50 days’ supply

PAAS Tips:

  • Clinical notes should contain four elements:
    • Date
    • Name and title of who you spoke with
    • What was discussed
    • Your initials
  • Do not use PBM “drops per mL” general estimates to determine days’ supply
  • Clarify number of toes being treated, including whether the big toe is being treated
  • Update the patient label to include the clarification
  • If patients are requesting early refills, confirm they are applying correctly
  • Refer Jublia® patients to the manufacturer website for an instructional video

Lindsay Doebert, CPhT