Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program
Pharmacies may bill prescriptions from time to time for patients with dual eligibility, possessing both Medicare and Medicaid benefits.
As an Analyst, I focus on providing pre- and post-audit assistance, answering various member service questions, and researching & drafting articles for the Third-Party Newsline. I work with many of our members involved with invoice audits.
I obtained my PharmD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy and worked for a major chain as well as various LTC and independent pharmacies, before coming to PAAS.
I am passionate about learning and teaching. I strive to learn something new about PBM audits every day, so that PAAS can be more knowledgeable to better serve our members! In 2018, I started traveling to state pharmacy conferences to present audit seminars and meet our wonderful members in person.
Pharmacies may bill prescriptions from time to time for patients with dual eligibility, possessing both Medicare and Medicaid benefits.
In January 2024, Walgreens and Humana reached a $360 million settlement to resolve ongoing lawsuits where Humana argued that Walgreens violated the PBM agreement by artificially inflating prescription drug prices for years.
PAAS National® frequently gets questions about whether pharmacies may substitute various medications and if such substitutions require the approval of the prescriber.
PAAS National® analysts continue to see a large volume of Caremark invoice audits. Remember that Caremark will only review aggregate purchases over the selected date range plus the 30 days prior to. If pharmacies want Caremark to consider purchases made prior to the selected date range, then there must be a “bulk purchase notification” on file in accordance with Section 8.05 of the Caremark Provider Manual.
In the fourth quarter of 2023, two of the “Big 3” PBMs announced that they will introduce new reimbursement methods for network pharmacies in the coming year(s) based on Cost Plus formulas in place of the typical AWP Minus terms.
No pharmacy should be forced to dispense prescriptions below their acquisition cost.
PBM audits regularly target eye medications looking to recoup on claims for incorrect days’ supply or early refills.
PAAS National® analysts have noticed an increase in PBM audits focusing on copay collection. These audits requested a copy of the pharmacies’ policies and procedures addressing copay collection and financial hardship.
Pharmacies often see PBM audit letters requesting documentation to validate paid claims, but not very many see letters sent to their patients.
A September 30, 2023, Department of Justice press release outlined a recent settlement between the U.S. government and a specialty pharmacy based in Delaware.
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Stoughton, WI 53589
Phone: 888.870.7227 or 608.873.1342
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