Entries by Jenevra Azzopardi, CPhT

Diagnosis Restricted? Documentation Required!

PAAS National® is starting to see more audit recoupments on claims where a diagnosis code was required at adjudication but there was no documentation on the hardcopy to support the diagnosis code billed.

2024 DMEPOS Series #4: Surgical Dressings

This DMEPOS series is intended to help you understand these complexities and gather the needed documents. In particular, you should be able to show the following if audited on surgical dressings…

2024 DMEPOS Series #3: Ostomy Supplies

This DMEPOS series is intended to help you understand these complexities and gather the needed documents. In particular, you should be able to show the following if audited on ostomy supplies:

Addressing “Weird” Days’ Supply

e know that days’ supply should be billed based on the mathematically calculable directions, but what happens when the days’ supply does not fall in the easily calculable 30- or 90-day spectrum? What if it is “weird?”