Entries by Meredith Thiede, PharmD

Audit Risk: Billing DAW 1 Unnecessarily

In a time where every aspect of prescriptions is scrutinized, PAAS National® wants to ensure you don’t forget simple filling and billing practices; in this case, using DAW 1 appropriately.

Does My Pharmacy Really Need Cultural Competency Training?

Pharmacies are no stranger to the requirements of completing annual Medicare Fraud, Waste, and Abuse training, which is a very clear requirement created by Medicare Part D and MAPD statutes. Because CMS holds PDPs and MAPDs responsible, PBMs often ask for the pharmacy’s FWA training during onsite audits. On the contrary, cultural competency training isn’t something PBMs regularly ask for. In a world where pharmacy employees are already spread thin, is completing cultural competency training truly necessary?

Best Practices When Filling & Billing Afrezza®

Afrezza®, a rapid-acting insulin human inhalation powder for adults with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus, can cause confusion for prescribers, pharmacies, and patients alike.

Best Practices for DAW Billing in Pharmacies

In what should be a fairly straightforward process, proper DAW billing practices can be convoluted. Despite NCPDP guidance to standardize adjudication practices, PBMs do not always adopted these standards, leaving the pharmacy in a gray area of what proper DAW billing should look like.