Entries by Sara Hathaway, PharmD

Do The Math and Avoid the Recoupment

Proper mathematical calculations are critical to billing prescriptions correctly. The action of translating directions on the prescription into a mathematical equation seems simple, but PAAS National® analysts see claims billed with incorrect days’ supply every day!

NEW Dispense as Written (DAW) Code Revealed

Chances are you have come across a claim or two (or several thousand!) with a DAW code of 1, 2, or 9. Pharmacy staff are usually knowledgeable about when to use these DAW codes – that a DAW 1 may be appropriate to use when the prescriber does not authorize generic substitution on a multi-source brand, a DAW 2 when the patient requested the brand name, and a DAW 9 when the plan explicitly indicates the brand name product is preferred.

Auditors Are Drawn to Santyl® Like Moths to a Flame

Summer is here and so are the bugs! While mosquitos, gnats, moths and the like have next to nothing to do with Santyl® ointment for debriding chronic dermal ulcers and severely burned areas, the visualization of auditors being drawn to claims for Santyl® ointment being akin to moths (or other bugs) being drawn to a flame is a parallel not to be ignored.