Calculating Days’ Supply – Pancreatic Enzymes

Auditors target pancreatic enzyme prescriptions like Creon® and Zenpep® due to high cost and ambiguous directions.

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Directions are often vague and only indicate how many capsules to be taken with meals and snacks. Pharmacies can generally assume three meals, but if the prescription does not specify how many snacks a patient is allowed, or the maximum number of capsules per day, an auditor will look to recoup for “non-specific directions.”

The solution to this problem is contacting the prescriber at the time of fill to clarify the number of snacks or the maximum daily dose and make a clinical note on the prescription. This information must also be added to the patient label to avoid possible recoupment for a “misfill” on audit.

PAAS Tips:

Jenevra Azzopardi, CPhT
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