Disputing Humana’s Bogus $5 Administrative Fees
By now, most pharmacies are probably aware of Humana’s $5 administrative fees to correct, what other plans consider, educational discrepancies. We commonly see these fees assessed for incorrect prescriber (for legend drugs), invalid days’ supply, and incorrect origin code. State audit laws have been ineffective at protecting pharmacies from these clerical errors as Humana classifies these takebacks as “Administrative Fees”, not recoupments on the initial claim.
What should your pharmacy do when assessed a $5 fee? Reviewing these fees are easy to do and should not be overlooked on appeal. These fees apply to the original fill and all refills, so a prescription with 12 fills can have $60 in fees. These fees are in addition to any discrepancy Humana may be assessing on a claim; which could lead to > 100% recoupment! PAAS recommends you dispute all recoupments, big or small. PAAS Tips: Remember to send your results to PAAS to have the best chance during appeal!