Signature Required – Proving Patient Receipt

The Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 ended on May 11, 2023, and PBMs notified pharmacies that they would once again be requiring signatures for proof of patient receipt of medications. Since then, PAAS National® analysts have taken questions about what format signatures logs should take. The following tips should help your pharmacy stay compliant.

PAAS Tips:

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  • Point of sale electronic signature logs should contain:
    • Prescription number
    • Date filled or fill number
    • Date of pick-up
    • Signature of the patient or the representative who picked-up the medication for the patient
  • Delivery logs should contain:
    • Patient name
    • Prescription number
    • Date filled or fill number
    • Date delivered – cannot be pre-printed
    • Delivery address – pharmacy, patient, or facility
    • Signature of the patient or the representative who accepted the delivery
  • Check your delivery logs for a blank date field (i.e., not pre-populated) and consult with your software vendor to add a signature date field (or electronic date stamp), if needed
  • Consider using the PAAS National® Trifold Mailer if unable to get a patient signature upon delivery
  • Pharmacies using manual signature logs should consider downloading and printing the PAAS National® Signature Log Book from the “Forms” tab on the PAAS Member Portal
  • Pharmacies mailing prescriptions have additional requirements to prove receipt
  • Be aware of PBM return to stock policies by using the PAAS National® Return to Stock chart

Jenevra Azzopardi, CPhT
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