Top 10 PAAS National Articles of 2021

PAAS Audit Assistance members receive a monthly newsletter with new audit tactics and prevention tips. The printed newsletter, PAAS National® Newsline is only a fraction of the content that we put out each month as members have access to additional content online in the Member Portal, in addition to an archive of articles.

The top 10 Newsline articles for 2021 include:

  1. Audit Risk: Ivermectin Used for Treating COVID-19
  2. COVID-19 Vaccine Billing Guidance
  3. Updated Dispense in Original Container Chart
  4. Are You Documenting DUR and Submission Clarification Codes?
  5. Dispensed Quantity is Different from the Prescription – Do I Need Documentation?
  6. HHS Advisory Opinion on Contract Pharmacies Under the 340B Program
  7. COVID-19 Vaccine Administration Audit Risk (Including a New PAAS Resource)
  8. Fraud, Waste, & Abuse and HIPAA Compliance Updates for 2021
  9. “Forwarding” Unfilled Electronic Prescriptions
  10. Victoza® – One Letter Can Cost You!

PAAS Audit Assistance Admins can also keep their employees informed to increase engagement and lower audit results by adding employees to the Portal so that their whole staff has access to the eNewsline.