OptumRx discrepancy is listed as 3H-Directions on prescription different from computer records. No post-dispensing validation accepted. No verbal orders/annotations accepted.
Caremark discrepancy is listed as MIF-Prescription dispensed was filled with incorrect drug, strength, directions or patient. This discrepancy does not require further documentation.
Pharmacies are often very familiar with prescribers and what they may intend to include on the prescription but don’t. This can range from a clear quantity to actual instructions for the patient. Unfortunately, pharmacies supplementing or documenting clinical notations that do not make it on to the patient’s prescription label can face recoupment as a “misfilled” prescription.
Some of the common examples PAAS analysts see are when information was clarified or confirmed with the prescriber and added to the prescription but not included on the patient label:
- Max daily dose for insulin with sliding scale or titration
- Number of snack and/meals for pancreatic enzymes
- Grams per application or area applied for topical medications
Additionally, PAAS is seeing issues where the pharmacy’s backtag and label do not include the entire set of instructions (i.e., an extended sig/label). Many software vendors only allow so many characters in the instruction field and may require additional instructions to be entered/printed separately. Not providing all the instructions the patient received [upon audit] would likely result in the claim being flagged for recoupment.
PAAS Tips:
- Verifying information with the prescriber prior to dispensing
- Clinical notes to document clarifications should include 4 elements
- Date/time
- Name and title of who you speak with
- Summary of discussion
- Pharmacy staff initials
- Educate all data entry staff to include information on patient label that is related to the instructions for use
- When submitting documentation for audit, be sure the auditor is receiving all information
PAAS National® Announces USP 800 Compliance Program
PAAS National® is excited to announce the USP 800 Compliance Program for community pharmacies. Developed by community pharmacists, PAAS brings you a community pharmacy tailored approach to USP 800 operational needs.
“Empowering community pharmacies with best-in-class, web-based programs to ensure employee safety and maintain pharmaceutical standards are at the forefront of our priorities. Compliance with USP 800 reinforces our commitment to community pharmacies in reducing their liability while improving patient safety and upholding the highest industry standards in handling hazardous drugs,” stated Carmen Fusselman, Vice President at PAAS National®. “PAAS will provide you with the information necessary to implement a fully functional USP 800 Compliance Program with the least necessary interruption to your day-to-day business.”
The PAAS USP 800 Compliance Program will reduce a pharmacy’s exposure to hazardous drugs through physical processes, written policies and training to ensure compliance with USP 800.
If you would like more information about PAAS USP 800 Compliance Program, please visit paasnational.com/usp800 or contact PAAS National® at (608) 873-1342 or info@paasnational.com.
Breyna™ – The First FDA Approved Symbicort® Generic With a 0.1 Gram Problem
Breyna™, like Symbicort® is approved as a maintenance therapy for people with COPD and for asthma patients ages 6 and older. For Breyna™ to become a regular generic, the manufacturer (Viatris) had to submit an Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) to the FDA. Viatris had to prove that Breyna™ is comparable to Symbicort® in dosage form, strength, route, quality, performance characteristics, and intended use. Below is a chart comparing Symbicort®, its authorized generic and the new “regular” generic Breyna™ (also known as an ANDA generic).
Size (gm)
PAAS Tips:
Signature Required – Proving Patient Receipt
The Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 ended on May 11, 2023, and PBMs notified pharmacies that they would once again be requiring signatures for proof of patient receipt of medications. Since then, PAAS National® analysts have taken questions about what format signatures logs should take. The following tips should help your pharmacy stay compliant.
PAAS Tips:
Recent DEA Rule Change – Transferring Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances for Initial Fill
The DEA published a couple rule changes recently which pharmacies need to be aware of. In the September 2023 Newsline, the updated rule regarding partial fills for controlled substances was discussed. The other recent change published in the Federal Register was titled, Transfer of Electronic Prescription for Schedules II-V Controlled Substances Between Pharmacies for Initial Filling. This rule went into effect August 28, 2023, and clarified the DEA’s previous rule on the transferring of controlled substances. Pursuant to 21 CFR § 1306.08, Electronically Prescribed Controlled Substances (EPCS) can be transferred for initial filling on a one-time basis, upon the request of the patient and all authorized refills on C-III, C-IV and C-V prescriptions are transferred along with the original prescription. All the following additional requirements must also be met:
According to the Federal Register notice, NCPDP confirmed SCRIPT Standard Version 20177071 had the appropriate functionality to allow the electronic transfer of an EPCS. Since this SCRIPT Standard is widely used among software vendors for chain and independent pharmacies, the capability to electronically transfer these prescriptions should be available; however, pharmacies may need to talk with their vendors about activating this functionality.
When a patient requests the transfer, the receiving pharmacy must initiate the process by electronically requesting the transfer. The “transferring pharmacy” must update their records to show the prescription was transferred out and include:
The “receiving pharmacy” must document:
The software system may pre-populate the data entry fields if the pharmacist verifies the accuracy of the information.
PAAS Tips:
[FREE PAAS Webinar] Awareness to Action: Initiating USP 800 Compliance in Community Pharmacies
Join Vice President of PAAS National®, Carmen Fusselman, PharmD as she discusses:
We will allow for some Q&A at the end of the webinar. If you would like to submit questions prior to the webinar, please click here.
PAAS Audit Assistance members will have access to a recording on the PAAS Member Portal if they are unable to attend the live event.
Auditors’ Latest Trick for Flagging “Misfilled” Prescriptions
PAAS National® analysts are noticing more prescriptions being flagged for recoupment based on “incorrect” instructions for use on the patient label. Pharmacies and PBM auditors have very different perspectives on what a “misfilled” prescription is. PBMs will look to categorize a claim as a “misfill” if the directions on the patient label do not include all instructions (including any clarifications made with prescriber). Appealing these discrepancies successfully can be a fruitless endeavor, predicated on circumstances and PBM guidelines.
OptumRx discrepancy is listed as 3H-Directions on prescription different from computer records. No post-dispensing validation accepted. No verbal orders/annotations accepted.
Caremark discrepancy is listed as MIF-Prescription dispensed was filled with incorrect drug, strength, directions or patient. This discrepancy does not require further documentation.
Pharmacies are often very familiar with prescribers and what they may intend to include on the prescription but don’t. This can range from a clear quantity to actual instructions for the patient. Unfortunately, pharmacies supplementing or documenting clinical notations that do not make it on to the patient’s prescription label can face recoupment as a “misfilled” prescription.
Some of the common examples PAAS analysts see are when information was clarified or confirmed with the prescriber and added to the prescription but not included on the patient label:
Additionally, PAAS is seeing issues where the pharmacy’s backtag and label do not include the entire set of instructions (i.e., an extended sig/label). Many software vendors only allow so many characters in the instruction field and may require additional instructions to be entered/printed separately. Not providing all the instructions the patient received [upon audit] would likely result in the claim being flagged for recoupment.
PAAS Tips:
An Easy Procedural Change That Will Prevent Recoupments
As previously reported in an April 2023 Newsline article, Prepare Yourselves! Onsite Audits Are Coming in Strong, PAAS National® saw a 300% increase in onsite audits in just the 3rd Quarter of 2022, and we have continued to see the number of audits, as well as the information requested in these audits, increase. It is therefore pertinent that pharmacies review and enforce their FWA/HIPAA policies and procedures, such as return to stock, to prevent petty recoupments.
Return to Stock, the timeframe PBMs require prescriptions to be picked up or the claim reversed based on the fill date of a prescription, is a focus of onsite audits when the auditor inspects the Will Call bin or desk audits when a signature log is requested. If the auditor identifies the sold/received date is beyond the PBM’s Return to Stock threshold, there is risk for full recoupment of the claim.
When determining what Return to Stock window is appropriate for your pharmacy, consider the following:
All above information should be considered when reviewing your pharmacy’s FWA/HIPAA policy and procedure manual (Section 4.1.1 Unclaimed Prescriptions for those utilizing PAAS’ FWA/HIPAA Compliance program). Make modifications as seen fit.
Lastly, see if your pharmacy system can help stop prescriptions that would be sold beyond your designated Return To Stock window. Certain dispensing platforms, with an integrated Point of Sale system, can have claims stopped at the register to avoid noncompliance.
PAAS Tips:
Utilizing the PAAS Audit Activity Tracker
While seemingly mundane, the PAAS National® Audit Activity Tracker can serve a very important purpose. While pharmacy personnel may use this tool to stay organized with various audits coming their way, this tool can also be used to defend the pharmacy should an audit go awry. It’s better to document and have a record at the onset than to think back months ago about your individual efforts on an audit. This tool provides a structure to document important information during your audit process. Utilizing this tracker can provide credible documentation of a PBM’s (or auditors) ineffectual communication during an audit. This could help support an audit manager’s review of the auditor’s conduct or provide you with information to complain to your state insurance commissioner.
Here are some recommendations to include on the Audit Activity Tracker:
PAAS Tips:
Podcast: A Deep Dive into LTC Audits with Trent Thiede
Trent Thiede, President of PAAS National® and host of Amplify Long-Term Care Pharmacy Podcast, Frances Nahas talk all things pharmacy audits, from transitions of care to the complicated (and necessary) role PBMs play. Tune in to learn surprising insight of LTC audits to take your long-term care program to the next level.
PAAS Defends Community Pharmacies by Engaging DME Medicare Administrative Contractor CGS
In our August Newsline Standard Written Order and Medicare Part B Audit Risks – New Guidance, we shared a few examples some of our members are having on audit results regarding their Standard Written Order (SWO). Beyond writing the Newsline, PAAS National® also reached out and engaged nurse medical reviewers with CGS about our concerns on the three topics below.
Issue #1: DME MACs state corrections on an SWO must be signed off by prescriber
Issue #2: While refills are not a required element on the SWO, if the practitioner writes for refills, they will be honored exactly as specified regardless of the quantity dispensed
Issue #3: OmniSYS memo – “An important Update About Medicare Part B Insulin Coinsurance Reductions and Deductible Waivers” when using insulin in a pump
While the meeting with the nurse medical reviewers from both jurisdictions B and C at CGS was fruitless, we were able to escalate our concerns to the medical directors at CGS jurisdictions B and C. The directors were very open to discussion and receptive with our concerns regarding the SWO and OmniSYS issues discussed above. The directors have promised to forward our differing interpretations of section 5.2.2 to the CMS division of medical review and update us on any additional CMS guidance. PAAS will keep our members informed as things develop.