Bill It Right – Diazepam Gel

Diazepam rectal gel continues to confuse prescribers and pharmacies alike when it comes to how a prescription is written and then ultimately filled and billed. According to FDA labeling, this medication “is intended for the acute treatment of intermittent, stereotypic episodes of frequent seizure activity (i.e., seizure clusters, acute repetitive seizures) that are distinct from a patient’s usual seizure pattern in patients with epilepsy 2 years of age and older.”

Diazepam gel comes in three strengths: 2.5 mg, 10 mg (5-7.5-10 mg), and 20 mg (12.5-15-17.5-20 mg). Each box contains two doses and is billed as “1 each.” The standard dosing for diazepam gel is one dose for appropriate seizure activity and repeat 4 to 12 hours later if prescribed. The FDA recommends that diazepam rectal gel be used to treat no more than five episodes per month and no more than one episode every five days, therefore one package should be considered a 5-day supply at minimum.

PAAS Tips:

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  • If a quantity is unclear, verify it with the prescriber and make a clinical note
    • If a prescriber writes for a quantity of “2,” do they mean 2 doses (1 box) or 2 boxes (4 doses)?
    • Most PBM audit enforcement of this medication revolves around quantity errors
  • One box is 2 doses but billed as “1 each”
  • Suggested days’ supply for one box is 5 based on FDA dosing recommendations
  • Use caution and clinical common sense when filling refills
    • Do not place this medication, or any emergency/rescue medication, on auto-refill
    • Auditors track refill history which may open you up to audits if filling emergency/rescue medications at a higher rate than other pharmacies
  • See September 2020 Newsline article, Suggested Days’ Supply for Emergency Medications for other frequent audit targets

2022 DEA Pharmacist’s Manual Updates – What’s Changed?

With the DEA and wholesalers cracking down on the dispensing of controlled substances and dangerous drug cocktails (see our July 2020 Newsline article Beware: DEA and Wholesalers are Cracking Down on Controlled Substance Dispensing for additional details), pharmacies might consider revising their controlled substance handling policy. In addition to resources provided by your State Board of Pharmacy or state pharmacy association, another valuable reference is the DEA Pharmacist’s Manual which was recently updated in 2020, and revised in 2022.

For those who have read the 2020 manual and are wondering what has changed, here is a summary of several major updates:

  • Section III Registration Requirements – The DEA has updated several of their processes to be more electronic-based and less reliant on paper forms. DEA form 224 (registration of a new pharmacy) and renewal of a pharmacy license is now only available online. Renewal reminder notices will no longer be sent via US Mail, but pharmacies should receive electronic reminders 60, 45, 30, 15, and 5 days prior to expiration.
  • Section IV Ordering Controlled Substances – Language about utilizing the DEA 222 triplicate form has been removed since the triplicate form was phased out and completely replaced with the single sheet DEA 222 form effective October 15, 2021. The manual does specify that old triplicate DEA 222 forms must still be maintained (separate from other records) and kept available for inspection for a minimum of two years.
  • Section V Inventory Requirements – The 2022 manual added language regarding inventory (initial, biennial, etc.) record retention and spelled out the requirement more clearly that the registered location must maintain the complete and accurate accounting of the inventory in written, typewritten, or printed form for at least two years.
  • Section XIII Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act of 2005 – This section discusses the sale of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine (also known as “scheduled listed chemical products” or SLCPs). Here you will find language regarding the restriction of selling no more than 3.6 gm of the chemical (base) per calendar day. This language had not changed, however, the following has been added, “regulated sellers, including pharmacies, may not exceed this quantity limit of SLCP base, even if state law mandates that a prescription be issued for the product”. This is pursuant to 21 CFR 1314.20(a). Also added, “regulated sellers, including pharmacies, must maintain a logbook for sales of SLCPs even if state law mandates that the product only be sold by prescription”.
  • Throughout the manual
    • The word “abuse” has been replaced with “misuse” and the phrase “drug abusers” has been replaced with “those individuals seeking to fill fraudulent prescriptions”. This change seems to better encompass those individuals who are inappropriately obtaining, utilizing, and/or distributing controlled substances and not just those who are personally misusing the medication.
    • DEA email addresses listed in the manual have been changed from an “” address to an “” address. If you are reaching out to the DEA, be sure to verify the email address you are utilizing is accurate.

Being familiar with the guidance provided in the current version of the DEA Pharmacist’s Manual is recommend for any pharmacy that dispenses controlled substances and the manual would be a great resource to utilize if you are revising or developing policies and procedures for the handling of controlled substances.

Breaking Insulin Pen Boxes: Where Are We Now?

This month marks two years since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clarified their intentions behind revising insulin pen labeling, yet insulin pen boxes continue to present issues to pharmacies trying to establish best practices surrounding its dispensing and billing. Let’s review the historical context and recent NCPDP guidance that PAAS is starting to see Payors/PBMs implement.

For historical context, Walgreens settled with the Department of Justice (DOJ) in January 2019 for $209.2 million due to their pharmacies improperly billing insulin pen boxes. Patients’ insulin pen prescriptions were placed on automatic refill with inaccurate days’ supply, resulting in millions of dollars of waste. Six months later, the FDA contacted insulin pen manufacturers requesting the labeling found on insulin pen boxes and package inserts be updated. As a result, the new labeling “dispense in the original sealed carton” was approved and subsequently printed on insulin pen boxes. In February of 2020, the new label had made its way through the supply chain and PAAS had issued a member alert to stop breaking boxes due to PBM audit enforcement.  However, eight months later, in October 2020, the FDA released “clarification” on their guidance of breaking insulin pen boxes, stating they acknowledge scenarios where breaking insulin pen boxes may be appropriate. In November 2020, PAAS wrote a Newsline article, reiterating our guidance that “while the FDA may understand and permit dispensing of individual pens on an exception basis, payors and PBMs may not” and therefore best practice would be to refrain from breaking insulin pen boxes.

As these updates were occurring, PAAS was an active participant in NCPDP Task Force Group meetings. In May 2021, NCPDP added an example scenario in Section 6.19 of their Telecommunication Version D and Above Questions. When a pharmacy is submitting a full insulin pen package and the calculated days’ supply exceeds the plan’s days’ supply limit, NCPDP’s guidance clearly states, “days’ supply restrictions should not hinder the pharmacy’s ability to dispense a full package” and subsequently states if “[the payer system requires some type of override action by the pharmacy], the recommendation is to use a Submission Clarification Code value 10 = Meets Plan Limitations. The pharmacy certifies that the transaction is in compliance with the program’s policies and rules that are specific to the particular product being billed.”

Recently, pharmacies have begun receiving adjudication rejects requesting the pharmacy to consider the use of SCC 10 when the days’ supply exceeds the plan limit. This presents potential audit risk and should be used as an opportunity to remind pharmacy employees of the importance of adjudication messaging. Billing the accurate, and larger, days’ supply (with an SCC=10 override), could put the pharmacy into an “extended days’ supply” (EDS) network. As such, it is possible that lower reimbursement and/or multiple member copays will occur. Pharmacies that ignore the messaging and reduced the days’ supply to the plan limit could face audits where PBMs argue pharmacies forewent using SCC 10 to avoid decreased reimbursement and failure to collect the appropriate copay amounts, causing the Payor’s costs to increase.

So, what is PAAS’ guidance given this new wrinkle? While audit risk related to breaking insulin pen boxes remains largely theoretical, pharmacies know PBMs cannot be trusted. PBMs enforce many other unbreakable packages (e.g., see PAAS Newsline article HIV Medications Cause Large Recoupments) and PAAS is aware of only one Payor who has formally stated it was “okay” to break insulin pen boxes. PBMs love the deregulated, opaque world they operate in, and failure to provide further guidance to pharmacies allows them to be judge, jury and executioner should they decide to enforce the FDA labeling restrictions. The SCC adjudication guidance adds another challenge for pharmacies trying to bill claims accurately.

PAAS Tips:

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Flu Shot Season Is Here – What Is Needed for Audit?

COVID-19 has forced a significant increase in the number of vaccinations pharmacies do daily. With this increase also comes additional audits. PAAS National® frequently sees PBMs audit for all vaccinations, including influenza. Now is the time to check that you have all documentation in place for this year’s flu shot season.

What you will need for an audit:

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  1. Order
    • A signed order from an authorized prescriber or
    • A signed protocol that is up to date and includes specific vaccination(s) to be administered
      • When using a protocol, create a placeholder prescription with all prescription elements
  1. Vaccination Information Statement (VIS)
    • Required to be given to patient prior to each administration
    • Be sure you have the most current VIS forms
  2. Vaccination Administration Record (VAR)
    • Name of vaccine administered
    • Lot and Expiration Date of vaccine given
    • Site of administration (i.e. right arm)
    • Signature or initials and title of person administering
    • What VIS form was given
    • Form can be used as proof of receipt on audit

VAR and VIS forms, and information regarding what the CDC requires for health care providers to record, can be found on the CDC website.

PAAS Tips:

  • Check dates and vaccines on your protocols to ensure they are up-to-date
  • Have current VIS forms printed for each vaccine you administer
  • Have VAR forms printed and educate all staff on how to complete the forms
  • All vaccines should be submitted using days’ supply of “1”
  • All vaccines administered with protocol should be submitted with origin code of “5” (pharmacy created)
  • Be sure correct quantity is billed, typically 0.5 mL, may need to consult with software vendor for guidance
  • Keep vaccine documents stored in a system that makes access easy in case of an audit

Proposed Section 1557 Rule – How Could It Affect You?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has proposed to strengthen the interpretation of the Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) last modified in 2020 (“2020 Rule”). In the proposed version of the rule, HHS argues Section 1557 should apply more broadly than the 2020 Rule did, which includes extending the definition of “covered entity” to any health program or activity accepting “federal financial assistance”, including those who provide, administer or assist persons with health-related services or insurances, and/or providing pharmaceutical, clinical or medical care.

HHS names several proposed revisions, including but not limited to:

  • Discrimination against Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals: the Section 1557 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) includes “requiring entities to give staff training on the provision of language assistance services for individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP), and effective communication and reasonable modifications to policies and procedures for people with disabilities.” Additionally, the proposed rule looks to reinstate a previous requirement from the 2016 version of the Final Rule that obligates covered entities from notifying patients of their ability to provide language assistance services.
  • Disability Discrimination: Barriers were observed when patients requiring screen reader software or those who require modifications to the usual “point-and-click” mouse attempted to sign-up for COVID-19 vaccinations and tests online. Therefore, the proposed rule calls for covered entities to make “reasonable modifications” to allow these individuals to access telehealth services in a nondiscriminatory manner and requires those entities to alert their patients of auxiliary aids and services available.
  • Section 1557 Policies & Procedures Program: Covered entities would be required to develop and implement a Section 1557 Policy, complete with a written Policy & Procedure manual. As part of the program, a covered entity is to have a nondiscrimination policy, procedures in place to mitigate any grievances that would arise, what language accommodations are available to individuals, etc. In addition, covered entities that employ a minimum of 15 employees would designate a “Section 1557 Coordinator” who will ensure entities are adhering to the goals set forth by Section 1557.
  • Section 1557 Training: Despite the 2016 and 2020 Rule not having a training requirement, HHS proposes that training should be done to best mitigate any potential Section 1557 violation. Although who does the training, the content, and the timing of the training is left up to the covered entity to determine, HHS proposed “relevant employees” complete training over the covered entity’s Section 1557 Policies and Procedures at a minimum. Training should be completed “within a reasonable period of time” after being hired and “within a reasonable time after a material change has been made”.

Currently, the Rule is in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) stage and HHS is eliciting feedback until October 3, 2022. If you are interested in providing feedback, follow the link to the Federal Register. PAAS will be keeping abreast on what comes of the NPRM. In the meantime, it is becoming increasingly apparent that healthcare entities have a requirement to provide culturally competent care, free of discrimination. Consider investing in PAAS’ Cultural Competency Training, which has a section on LEP individuals and how to go about providing equal opportunities to healthcare recipients in your area.

Use and Posting of Guidance Documents by DEA – What’s Changed with Controlled Substance Annotations?

On June 23, 2022 the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) created a Guidance Document about the use and posting of guidance documents by the DEA (yes, a guidance document about guidance documents). A historical view will help shed light on why the DEA felt it necessary to clarify this resource.

Prior to Executive Order 13891 (EO13891), Promoting the Rule of Law Through Improved Agency Guidance Documents, signed October 9, 2019, Federal Agencies, and the DEA, could communicate interpretative guidance through a variety of media, including “Dear Registrant” letters, Q&As, memorandums, and other guidance documents. PAAS National® has previously used these resources to help defend community pharmacies from overtly aggressive auditors trying to recoup on controlled substance prescriptions for what was often interpretated as missing prescription elements (e.g., can the pharmacy backtag be used to meet DEA prescription elements).

The EO13891 tried to standardize communication from Federal agencies and make communication more accessible to all. In doing so, the DEA created their own guidance document Portal, which can be found here. To be in compliance with EO13891, the DEA undertook a review of the documents available at that time and removed many of these informal documents from public view. It is suspected that the documents PAAS occasionally relied upon were swept up in this review.

On January 20, 2021, a new Executive Order 13992 was signed into effect. This order, rescinded EO 13891 (note: the timeframe traverses political regimes, likely playing a role in shifting policy). So, the question became, will the DEA re-publish some of the prior guidance that was removed?

Which brings us back to the most recent Guidance Document created June 23, 2022 where the DEA clarifies that, “These guidance documents [specifically prior to November 2019] will not be restored and should be considered rescinded or not valid”.

Beyond hearsay and anecdotal conversations with the DEA, NABP issued a memo dated August 22, 2022 to State Boards of Pharmacy. The memo states the following information was provided by the DEA:

In the past few months, DEA has received an increasing number of questions concerning pharmacists’ ability to add or modify information—like a patient’s address—on paper prescriptions. To address these questions, DEA has been reviewing the relevant regulations and working to draft new regulations to address this issue. As an interim measure, pharmacists are permitted to adhere to state regulations or policy regarding those changes that a pharmacist may make to a schedule II prescription after oral consultation with the prescriber.

So, what are pharmacies to do?

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Step 1: Don’t stress – while this guidance document was published recently, these policy changes likely went into effect with the signing of EO13891 (nearly 3 years ago). Just like science, healthcare, or pharmacy, we learn every day and make changes to our practice to stay in compliance with new ‘norms’.

Step 2: The memo from NABP to State Boards of Pharmacy is giving pharmacies some reprieve, with a couple caveats.

  1. NABP is highly regarded, and this memo should be effective at deterring rogue auditors/PBMs from denying pharmacist annotations to C-II prescriptions (pursuant to state law).
    1. The memo still lacks corroborating evidence. Who from the DEA provided this information, and to whom? Was this pursuant to a conversation or written correspondence?
    2. The overarching concern is Federal regulations cannot be superseded by a mere conversation. Perhaps the DEA will exercise “enforcement discretion”, but DEA registrants should demand to see something in writing from the DEA.
  2. The NABP memo states pharmacists are permitted to adhere to state regulations or policy regarding changes that a pharmacist may make to a schedule II prescription after oral consultation with the prescriber.
    1. Pharmacies that have relied on prescription backtags to fulfill missing elements of 21 CFR § 1306.05(a) should plan to verbally confirm those elements with the prescriber going forward (assuming state law permits the addition/change).
    2. For example, a missing patient address or DEA # will require a call to the prescriber to confirm the missing elements, documented with a clinical note.

Step 3: Consider proactively educating prescribers about the changing dynamics around controlled substance prescriptions and request to have all of the elements present on any prescriptions going forward.

All prescriptions for controlled substances shall be dated as of, and signed on, the day when issued and shall bear the full name and address of the patient, the drug name, strength, dosage form, quantity prescribed, directions for use, and the name, address and registration number of the practitioner.

Step 4: Understand the risk. While compliance with DEA requirements is critical, PAAS focuses on the audit risk – both theoretical (could present an audit problem in the future) and actual (pharmacies are currently getting recouped on).

  1. To date, we have not seen PBMs/Auditors looking to leverage these changes – quite possibly because much of the industry simply was unaware of the guidance changes pursuant to these Executive Orders. With the increased publicity, it is possible this change will no longer be under the radar, but the NABP memo may help support annotations being made.
  2. PAAS has not seen DEA enforcement of this change in guidance. While these rescinded communications were often effective at combating devious auditors, the documents never had the full force and effect of law and were not binding to pharmacies.

What if I receive a C-II prescription that is missing elements? While understanding the audit risk is important, DEA compliance is non-negotiable. If your state law affords pharmacists the opportunity to add/clarify DEA-required elements, and you are comfortable with NABP’s memo, call the prescriber and make a clinical annotation. In the absence of an applicable state law, reach out to the prescriber to educate and obtain an electronic order to replace the invalid prescription in hand. If the prescriber is unable to issue an eRx, consider obtaining an emergency C-II via phone as per 21 CFR § 1306.11(d). When the prescriber mails the hard copy backup, they can also send a new, compliant prescription for additional dispensing, if needed.

What about C-III through C-V prescriptions? The distinct advantage afforded to these schedules is the ability to obtain a verbal order. For example, if you receive a prescription for Alprazolam without a DEA # on it, PAAS would advise you to call the prescriber and convert the prescription to a telephone order.

PAAS Tips:

  • Additional Federal elements (e.g., X DEA number and fill on/after dates for laddered prescriptions) should already be present on the prescription when presented to the pharmacy
  • State requirements (e.g., alphanumeric quantity) should not be added/modified unless explicitly authorized to do so in the regulations

Prescription Quantity Changes Require Documentation

Anytime you dispense a quantity different from what was prescribed, you should note why. PAAS National®® has seen recoupments when quantities dispensed were decreased or increased from the original prescribed quantity.

Valid reasons for decreasing quantity include patient request, med sync program, “dispense in original container,” and plan limitations. In these situations, you should be documenting the reason on the prescription or within the pharmacy’s software. Many PBMs require this documentation, including OptumRx, Express Scripts, Elixir, CVS/Caremark, and MagellanRx, all of which have discrepancy codes related to “cut quantity.” The rationale behind these discrepancies is that the PBM believes the pharmacy is trying to acquire excessive dispensing fees and/or circumvent plan limitations. Having documentation stating otherwise is essential.

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Contractual obligations must also be taken into consideration when dispensing lesser quantities of a medication. If you are not already aware, PAAS has one of the largest troves of PBM contracts in the nation. PAAS has seen a prominent PBM recently insert language in their extended days’ supply agreements that require pharmacies to use “commercially reasonable efforts” to dispense an Extended Days’ Supply. Not only does the PBM frown upon cut quantities, but they also want pharmacies intervening to dispense more extended days’ supply prescriptions. Evidence to the contrary can result in required corrective action plans and decreased reimbursement on 30 days’ supply claims going forward (either at the point of sale, or through the reconciliation process). Indiscriminately changing patients to a 30 days’ supply resulting in increased reimbursement for the pharmacy can give the appearance of profiteering and be a slippery slope.

There are also some things to consider when increasing a quantity:

  • If your state allows you to change a patient to a 90 days’ supply without consulting the prescriber, document accordingly (e.g., increased to 90 DS per state regulation xxx.xx) and ensure you do not go over the original total quantity and refills prescribed.
  • If your state does not allow you to increase the quantity, you must contact the prescriber first and make a clinical note about the approval for a quantity increase.
  • If the prescriber ordered a quantity less than the smallest package size, you still cannot go over the total quantity and refills prescribed without consulting with the prescriber
    • For example, insulin pens written for a quantity of 3 mL with 2 refills. The total quantity prescribed is only 9 mL. You must clarify the quantity and refills with the prescriber to dispense a full box of 15 mL.

PAAS Tips:

  • Document the reason for any quantity change
    • Insurance Limits Quantity (ILQ)
    • Patient requests one-month supply
    • Med sync program
    • Must dispense in original container
  • Do not cut the quantity to work around negative reimbursement or to acquire additional dispensing fees
  • Do not cut the quantity to work around a plan limit rejection
  • If the quantity written is less than the package size, and there are not enough refills to cover the actual quantity, verify the quantity and refills to dispense with the prescriber
  • Clinical notes should contain four elements: date, name and title of who you spoke with, what was discussed, and your initials

Combivent® Respimat® Still Causing Confusion

In 2013, Combivent® Inhalation Aerosol inhalers made by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals were discontinued and phased out because they contained chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs (harmful substances that work to decrease the ozone layer above the Earth). The original Combivent® inhaler was then replaced by Combivent® Respimat®.

The new inhaler was not an exact replacement of the old one. The original Combivent® inhaler (14.7 g) had dosing of two inhalations four times a day with the total number of inhalations not to exceed 12 puffs in 24 hours. The updated Combivent® Respimat® (4 g) has a recommended dosage of only ONE puff four times a day with a total number of inhalations not to exceed 6 puffs in 24 hours.

This dosing change has caused problems for pharmacies over the years. Prescribers have been known to still send prescriptions to the pharmacy with the old directions. If the pharmacy fails to clarify the directions, patient safety could be a concern and the claim is sure to be flagged for audit.

Another problem PAAS National® has seen is related to billing the correct days’ supply on a claim. Combivent® Respimat® contains 120 metered doses. If a prescription is written for one puff four times a day, then the days’ supply is 30. If the prescription notes the patient may take up to 6 puffs per day, then the days’ supply is 20.

What happens if the plan will not allow a 20-day supply? The first instinct of many pharmacies is to rebill the claim as a 30-day supply, but this would be incorrect and would likely flag for an audit. The insurance company will see you originally tried to bill a 20-day supply and will want to know why it was changed. This may be interpreted as claims data manipulation and a circumvention of the plan limits. The proper thing to do in this case is follow any reject instructions, possibly obtaining a prior authorization for the correct dosing. See our January 2022 Newsline, Manipulating Quantity or Days’ Supply to Bypass Plan Limits Will Cost You, for further information.

PAAS Tips:

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  • Verify inappropriate directions with the prescriber and make a clinical note
  • Always submit an accurate days’ supply based on the quantity prescribed and the maximum daily dose
  • Do not workaround a plan limit to get a paid claim – follow the plan’s instructions in the reject message
  • With a 20 day’s supply, some plans may require the pharmacy call for an override or obtain a prior authorization for that dosing interval
  • Workarounds may save time and take care of a patient’s immediate need, but those short-term gains will invariably lead to long term pain with audit recoveries. PAAS has even seen network terminations for habitual offenders
  • Review our April 2021 Newsline article, Self-Audit Series #3: Inhaler Prescriptions to help your pharmacy develop practical and efficient strategies to identify claims that may be at risk for audit recovery
  • Review our Oral Inhalers chart found on the PAAS Member Portal under “Days Supply Charts”

DMEPOS Mini-Series #5 – Surgical Dressings

Per CMS, for the 2020 reporting period, the improper payment rate for surgical dressings was 67.3% representing $194.9 million. CMS indicated 82.4% of improper payments were due to insufficient documentation. Additional errors were no documentation (1.9%), medical necessity (1.7%), incorrect coding (1.9%) and other (12.2%). Pharmacies need to ensure that the clinical information in the patient’s records proves the dressings are reasonable and necessary as well as what type and quantity of dressing(s) they qualified for. Use the helpful tips and links below to be prepared in case of an audit on surgical dressings.

PAAS Tips:

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  • Required Documentation for all DMEPOS items, see our April 2021 Newsline for more details
    • Standard Written Order (SWO)
    • Proof of refill request
    • Proof of delivery
    • Medical Records
  • Coverage Criteria for Surgical Dressings
    • Medical records must support the surgical dressings are required for one of the following:
      • Treatment of a wound caused by, or treated by, a surgical procedure, OR used after debridement of a wound
      • Initial wound evaluation must include:
        • Type, location, number, and size of qualifying wounds (L x W and depth)
        • Amount of drainage
        • Frequency of dressing change
      • Ongoing wound evaluation (weekly or monthly)
      • Specific dressing coverage criteria (in addition to meeting the criteria for qualifying wound)
      • A new order is needed at least every 3 months for each qualified dressing dispensed, OR sooner if quantity required increases
      • Modifiers (A1-A9) to indicate the number of wounds on which the dressing is being applied
        • If using A9, must also submit actual number of wounds being treated in narrative on electronic claim
      • Please reference the following helpful links for more detail when billing for surgical dressings:

Trudhesa™ Nasal Spray for the Treatment of Migraines

Migraine relief medications are frequently monitored and flagged for audit due to high cost, quantities submitted, days’ supply and/or frequency of refills. Trudhesa™ 4 mg/mL nasal spray was FDA approved on September 3, 2021. It is indicated for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura in adults. While Migranal® and Trudhesa™ are both nasal sprays containing dihydroergotamine, Trudhesa™ is the newer form made to reach the bloodstream more quickly by being absorbed better through the nose. Pharmacies often struggle on billing Trudhesa™, due to some specific dosing and administration guidelines. Please see below for guidance on how to properly bill for this migraine relief medication.

PAAS Tips:

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  • Trudhesa™ is for nasal administration only
  • Supplied as a package of four single-dose units (NDC# 77530-0725-04)
    • Each single-dose unit contains a 1 mL vial and an intranasal delivery device
  • Each device must be assembled and primed with exactly four sprays prior to use
    • The purpose of priming is to bring the medicine to the tip of the spray nozzle. You may or may not see liquid or spray come out of the nozzle during each priming pump
    • Each 1 mL vial contains 2 sprays (one dose) after the four priming sprays
    • NCPDP billing unit is mL – one package containing the four units is billed as 4 mL
    • There are a total of 4 doses or 8 sprays in each 4 x 1 mL package
    • A complete dose is 2 sprays, 1 spray in each nostril
    • If prescribed, the dose can be repeated at least one hour after the first dose
    • If an additional dose is needed, a new unit must be opened and prepared
  • Use or discard within 8 hours after vial has been opened or product has been assembled
  • Do not use more than two doses of Trudhesa™ within 24 hours or three doses within 7 days
  • If written for more than one package of 4 mL, it is best to have a notation from the physician as to the number of headaches the patient has per week or month to support billing multiple packages
  • See our updated Nasal Spray Chart on the PAAS Member portal for additional guidance on billing
  • See the December 2021 Newsline article, Self-Audit Series #11 – Migraine Prescriptions for further reference
  • Call PAAS (608) 873-1342 with questions on how to bill Trudhesa™