Kristen, CPhT


Years at PAAS
Since March 2024

Nekoosa, WI

Spending time with my family, Fishing, Traveling, Camping, and Reading

On My Bucket List
A trip to Italy

Favorite Quotes
“Love the Life you Live. Live the Life you Love” -Bob Marley

Favorite Audit Tip
Document everything! As I learn another side of the pharmacy world, I am seeing how important documentation is on prescriptions. I don’t think it’s possible to document too much. It really is the key to your audits.

I started in pharmacy in 2012 at a large store chain. I worked my way into becoming a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT) two years later. I was in love with pharmacy and enjoyed helping patients! I ended my job in the pharmacy and started working at Custom Health in November 2022 as a CPhT calling independent pharmacies and helping with Outcomes technician tips. Which brings me to March 2024 working with PAAS on yet another side of the pharmacy business. I am excited for the challenge and look forward to working with you on PBM audits!