Trent, PharmD, MBA
Years at PAAS Hometown Hobbies/Interests Currently Reading PAAS Future Favorite Audit Tip
Since August 2018
Green Bay, WI
Green Bay Packers, UW Badgers sports, road biking, cross-country skiing, and soccer
Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support, and Remove Barriers to, Coordinated Care and Individual Engagement
We are working on some new program development and other ideas to continually bring value to our members through the services we offer and the ways we engage our members
Engage PAAS early in the process and be mindful of deadlines. The PBMs will not give you any breaks, so make sure you work with us to submit complete and accurate information.
I started my journey working at Shopko, a community pharmacy, in 1999. Shopko was a regional chain, and I worked there for 15 years, holding positions as Pharmacy Manager and Regional Pharmacy Supervisor while completing my PharmD from UW-Madison and MBA from UW-Oshkosh. In 2013, I took over Shopko’s Long-Term Care division and helped divest it to KPH HealthCare (aka Kinney Drugs/HealthDirect). I helped grow their business throughout the Midwest, eventually servicing 20,000 beds in just under four years.
I have always been involved in pharmacy audits, and hated recoupments, but did not see all the opportunities to combat audits the way PAAS does. PAAS is a small, family-orientated company, and I take pride in helping independent pharmacies win against ruthless PBMs.