Why PAAS Cultural Competency?
Developed by pharmacists for community pharmacies, PAAS National® brings you a tailored approach to Cultural Competency and Linguistically Appropriate Services using the PAAS Care Model. Your training history is documented, retrievable and easily tracked throughout the year. Simply put, the training is more realistic for pharmacy staff, and documented should you ever need evidence of completion – training, done better.
“We understand there is a need to address federal and state requirements and meet PBM credentialing requirements,” stated Trent Thiede, President at PAAS National®, “The PAAS CARE Model can be used in any patient interaction to help identify a patient’s cultural differences and guide the pharmacy on how to proceed.”
The PAAS CARE Model is an acronym for Competence Evaluation, Adherence, Realistic, Evaluate and Educate in the training module. Our adage of “Be aware to CARE” uses real-life, pragmatic examples to serve as a launching pad for enhancing patient experiences. PAAS’ unique approach to training ensures its content resonates with all pharmacy staff, making the goal of cultural competence achievable, across the board.
Plus, if you are already a PAAS Fraud, Waste & Abuse and HIPAA Compliance member, your employees will have the ease of completing their FWA, HIPAA and Cultural Competency training on one screen. No clicking to multiple programs or browsers to access the yearly training for your staff.
If you would like more information about PAAS Cultural Competency Training Program starting at $99/year, please visit paasnational.com/culturalcompetency or contact PAAS National® at (608) 873-1342 or info@paasnational.com.